Monday, August 9, 2010

August 2

Howdy from La Porte, TX!

It's been a fabulous week here and I'm so in love w/ being a missionary! I feel so blessed to serve the Lord in this way at this time. The ward members here are fabulous and enthused about the work and that rocks :) A lot of our investigators have slowed down in the progression recently (which is slightly lame) or been baptized and become members recently (which is awesome), and our teaching pool is not as large and active as we would like. We decided the remedy this by tracting our little missionary hearts out in the heat and humidity this week. 104 quality gospel conversations later, we have many solid potential investigators that we are very optimistic about.
Thursday night we had a lesson w/ Miss A.C. and it turned out to be very effective. She ended up emotionally describing some of her fears about coming to church and the letdowns she's experienced in the past. It was a relief to understand her feelings better and be able to bear testimony about those things that are most important for her to understand. The spirit was very strong, and even better than that- she actually made it to church for the first time this Sunday. Good times :)
One of my favorite experiences while tracting this week was meet Mr. J.B. (we met a lot of amazing people this week!) The words and images of the tattoos on his body tell a story of a very rough past. He's already turned his life around immensely and let go of so much. He was such a genuine person to talk to and was genuinely interested in our message. We really hope we're going to be able to teach him again and help him come closer to Christ.
The gospel of Jesus Christ is true and changes lives for the better! The Book of Mormon truly is a testament of our Savior and reading and applying its teachings will bring so much happiness. I love my Heavenly Father his son Jesus Christ w/ all my heart. Keep being awesome everyone and remember that I love you!!!!
*~Sister Pilmer~*

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