Monday, August 9, 2010

August 9

Hello all!

It's been another fantabulous week here in LaPorte. Sister Frazier and I have been privileged to be instruments in the Lord's hands time and time again, and I'm so grateful for the opportunity. It's still crazy hot and humid and I get eaten by mosquitoes regularly, but it's all so very worth it. I've learned that when I truly know that I'm doing the Lord's will, not much else matters. I'm working hard to be a worthy, willing, diligent, faithful servant of the Lord.

We commited a new investigator to baptism on Saturday. When we told her about Joseph Smith's first vision- she actually giggled out of excitement. She was actually giddy! Miss M is a fabulous little old woman (she's probably in her 80's), and she's excited to be baptized on Sept. 10th. We are prayerful that as she continues to learn and understand, that her faith will continue to grow and she will be prepared to take that step.

One of my favorite lessons this week was to another new investigator on Friday. Mr. J is in his early 20's and as we taught him he really seemed to understand the message of the Restoration. We feel that he understands what he needs to do in order to gain a testimony of it for himself. It's amazing what can happen as the Spirit testifies of the truth we teach. I love it so much, and I don't think I'll ever get used to having these powerful experiences. I'm amazed how often they happen.
I love you all so very much! I also love mail- so I shamelessly encourage you to send some my way ;) I'm so happy and I love sharing the true message of the restored gospel and seeing it change lives. It's awesome! Make good choices and remember who you are and what you stand for!
*~Sister Pilmer~*

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