Tuesday, September 7, 2010

September 7

Howdy everyone!

It's been another fabulous week here in La Porte, filled with many challenges and also many miracles! This has been my first experience with taking over an area- being the companion that's supposed to know what's going on and where everything is. Something miraculous happened- missionary work kept happening here! I've really felt the strength and guidance of the Lord. He's really helped me to continue to know and accomplish what He requires of me.

I've actually experienced a real, dramatic fulfillment of Ether 12:27 in my life recently. The Lord is often taking my weaknesses and turning them into strengths and helping me become the best version of myself, but it's not always dramatic and obvious. This recent miracle is in regards to my directional and navigational abilities. In my first area, Lake Charles, my trainers Sister Stott and Sister Miller, picked out a shirt for me that said "Don't follow me. I'm lost." I never had any idea where we were going and struggled so hard to remember where people lived, etc. I tried so hard and just STRUGGLED. It was slightly better while in Baytown, but I still felt incredibly inadequate in that department. While Sister Frazier was still here in La Porte, I didn't feel like I was learning the area very well or very quickly, but I guess I was wrong. I actually seem to know where I'm going most of the time! When I'm not quite sure, I can quickly and effectively navigate us with the help of a map. It may not seem like something super important, but I'm so grateful that the Lord is helping me with this weakness, now strength- it's allowing us to hasten His work. The Atonement of our Savior, Jesus Christ, is real and powerful. Christ is my rock and my strength and He is helping me to become the version of myself God intended.

Sister Hatch and I have recently been able to get back in with a couple of people Sister Frazier and I found like a month ago. It's been so cool to be able to finally teach them. Miss E and Miss C are both really open to learning and seemed really feel the truthfulness of the message of the Restoration. We are praying in faith that they will truly seek to know if this is true and be willing to act upon their answers from the Lord.

The gospel of Jesus Christ is TRUE and has been restored in its fullness. We have a living prophet on the earth who leads and guides us through direct revelation from Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. The Holy Ghost is amazing and has endless power to help us learn and understand greater light and truth. My gratitude and joy are so full at this time. I just love being a missionary!!!
I love you all!!! Mail is still always welcome!!! Smile!!!!
*~Sister Pilmer~*

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