Sunday, March 28, 2010

Oppossums and the temple

I'm feelin' kind of funny as I write this email. The library computer I'm using this week is on a higher desk w/ a higher chair, and my feet can't touch the floor. It feels like I'm a little kid and makes me giggle. (Don't worry Amanda- I'm giggling on the inside... I wouldn't want to be a disruptive library patron ;) ) My thoughts may be a little scattered this week, so my apologies in advance, but I will try to make this a good email.
Random Animal Story: (that actually happened prior to this week)
We went to the home of a couple that had invited us back to share a message with them. They weren't home for the scheduled appt., so we were writing a note on a post-it to leave on their door. Suddenly we heard branches rustle and a decently loud thud. We turned behind us to see what it was and initially saw nothing. Soon though, Sister Miller asked, "Is that a Possum?!" Sure enough, a baby Possum had fall from a tree in the yard. It was quite shocked and scared and so stinkin' cute! We didn't touch it... or get to close... just close enough to take a picture of all its cuteness. Sister Stott was quite concerned for it, and I assured her that nature would take its proper course which probably involved the Mommy Possum coming to retrieve Baby Possum very soon. (which we named... we name everything... but I can't remember what we named baby possum...) We then went on our merry way and got back to missionary work :)
Upcoming Awesomeness:
We are particularly excited for Miss B's baptism this Saturday. She is so incredible and we are so happy for her! We are also delighted that we have been having more success recently in finding new people to teach. Nothing happens in missionary work until we find people to teach, so it pretty much rocks! We schedule time each day to spend finding. That usually means tracting (going door to door, sharing the gospel), or park contacting. As we dilligently and search with faith to find new people to teach, we are seeing the Lord's miracles in our work. The Lord has prepared people who are searching and seeking for truth, and he will lead us to them. It's awesome!
Temple Trip!!!!:
We were able to attend an endowment session at the Houston Temple yesterday. It was such a sweet, uplifting experience for all of us. We had to get up at 3:30 a.m., to leave our apt. at 4:30, to get to Orange and catch a bus at 5:30, that drove a whole bunch of missionaries to Spring to go to the temple! It was early and exhausting, but wonderful. After attending the 10:00 a.m. session, we went to the nearby meetinghouse to have lunch that was provided by local members of the church. We are so grateful to them and so many who are willing to provide such service to us! After we ate, we met in the chapel for a powerful "Zone Conference" meeting. I learned so much about improving myself as a missionary, and felt the Spirit strongly testify to me, how much Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love me, and EVERY single child of God! It was an awesome day. We stopped by a local LDS bookstore for about 20 minutes and then headed back to Orange/Lake Charles/wherever different missionaries had to go. We got home about 10 pm, and were quite exhausted. It was a FABULOUS day!
I love the Lord, and I know that the work I'm engaged in is truly His work. He strengthens us and helps us every day! SMILE!!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!
*~Sister Pilmer~*

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