Thursday, February 18, 2010

First letter from the field

For some reason, her email didn't go through last week, and we were sad. We missed our missionary update! Here's what she had to say last week:

Howdy from Lousiana! I'm currently serving in the Lake Charles South area and loving it :) Wednesday night I met my first companion... but it's actually companions! I have 2 trainers which is pretty rare, but has been a wonderful experience so far in our little trio. Sister Stott and Sister Miller are both teaching me so much with their wonderful examples, and we are working hard and having fun together. Most of that fun, of course, is centered around helping others to come closer to our Savior Jesus Christ.

As always, time is short and there is so much to share. Missionary life is still exhausting and full of trials, but so rewarding. I know my Heavenly Father lives and loves me, and that brings me so much joy. The people here are friendly and many are faithful Christians who are happy to talk about Jesus Christ. My first experiences tracting and contacting have been fascninating. The most amusing ones have been those people who seem genuinely afraid of us. It always makes me wonder what kind of crazy rumors they've heard about "The Mormons".

The members here that I've met are pretty awesome, and very hospitable. I've eaten plenty of food that is no different than what I would eat in Utah, but also some great Southern delights. I've enjoyed Texas BBQ, warm pecan pie, and some legit chicken and sausage gumbo. Our first Sunday here was Stake Conference, so I look forward to getting to know more of the local members at our regular Sunday meetings this weekend.

I've been battling a nasty feverish cold the last few days, but my companions have taken good care of me and it hasn't slowed us down too much. This morning we had to wake up at 3:30 a.m. to travel to the mission home in Kingwood, TX for New Sisters Training. It takes around 2.5 hours to get there. We drove to Vidor and carpooled the rest of the way w/ Sister Singleton and Sister Hurd. We got there 30 minutes early... and being sick, I slept most of the way. The Elders serving as Assistants to the President and Mission Trainers cooked a delicious breakfast for us, and we had a really enriching, spiritual training meeting until noon. Then we got to drive back to Lake Charles. It's been a long day... but then again, most of our days out here are long.

We stopped by the Beaumont chapel on the way back from training, to drop off supplies for the Beaumont Zone Leaders. It was pretty crazy to see that building again after all these years. I haven't had a chance to run into any old Beaumont friends yet, but I hear about some and it's fun just to back in this area of the world.

Quote of the Week from Sister Miller:

"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone."


I've received one letter (Thanks Cortney!) since I left the MTC. Mail means so much so anything you send my way will be more appreciated than you know! Photos, Crayon Drawings, quick notes, postcards, long letters, ANYTHING would be amazingly awesome :)

Sister Emily Pilmer
1531 Country Club Dr. #312
lake Charles, LA 70605

(that's direct for at least 5 more weeks (3 weeks now!) )

I love you all!!

*~Sister Pilmer~*

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