Monday, January 25, 2010

MTC Week 2

I can't believe it has already been a week! Everyone told us it would go much faster after our first Sunday here, and I believed them... but I've still been amazed at how quickly the time as flown! We are ALWAYS just SO busy!
I still love my companion and my district- They're all amazing servants of the Lord and teach me so much every day! Everything we do is centered around understanding, loving, and living the Gospel of Jesus Christ and learning how to effectively share it with others. It's very intense and growth is never comfortable, but it is truly a WONDERFUL growing experience. Some days are a little more emotional than others, but the Lord is strengthening me as I humble myself and let Him do so.
We have 2 classes just about every day, class is a general term meaning we have a instructor present for 2-3 hours and are either being taught, led in a practice activity, or sometimes participating in activities outside the classroom. Those outside activities are either the TRC (training resource center) where we teach "investigators" who are typically church members who volunteer to help us practice. Some are better actors than others... or we go to the RC (referral center) and contact those who have called to request free DVD's and such. Our goal in all these activities as well as our MDT (missionary directed time) is to somehow invite others to come unto Christ. (My teachers are Brother Menasco and Sister Borg and they are absolutely incredible!!!!)
Missionary life is completely exhausting and I don't anticipate that changing in the next 18 Months. The other night I was especially tired from an incredibly spiritual day and said "It's exhausting to feel so much in one day!" Some of us then discussed that we now completely understand why King Lamoni passed out for a couple days! (If you don't know who that is, but want to- Ask Amanda:) ) Exhausting though it may be, I have never felt so close to my Heavenly Father and am grateful for the opportunity to serve Him!

Two favorite quotes from the week:
"Nobody become Celestial by accident."
"You cannot live an entire life of dedication tonight."

Both of those are from Brother Menasco. The only way to become the versions of ourselves God intended us to become is through daily work, service, and prayer. Then- through Faith, we can become perfected through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. We must rely on the Lord and do his will to allow him to improve us and change our hearts each and every day.

I love you all! Make good choices!

I love mail! Feel free to use

I leave for Texas early in the morning of Feb. 3rd.

*~Sister Emily Pilmer~*

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