Monday, November 15, 2010

November 15

Howdy everyone!! Greetings from La Porte- where I may or may not be found serving next week. Transfers are this coming Monday and it should be interesting to see what happens :)

Monday was a normal preparation day w/ cleaning and laundry and such. In the evening we were able to teach an awesome lesson to some new investigators, Ja* and Je*. They are both juniors in H.S. and are really great girls. We also had Sis. J* M* meet us for an appt. w/ the E* family. They ended up not being there :( and we've spoken to them since and they feel like they're just too busy to meet w/ us right now. We had quite the adventure waiting for Sis. M* to pull up though... I got pulled over by the cops AGAIN! I was actually already pulled over, but after circling the block twice, the officer decided we looked suspicious and he pulled up behind me and turned his lights on. We simply explained why we were there and he was very nice about it. Innocent little Sister Pilmer keeps getting pulled over for suspicious activity... I'd hate to actually be a criminal here in La Porte!

Tuesday we were able to have a lesson on the doorstep of one of our potential investigators, H* B*. He's a super good, genuine guy who missionaries have taught in the past. It's just really tricky setting up times to see him. We had an appt. w/ F* M* again and sweet Sis. A* B* came out w/ us... but F* was sleeping and not feeling well when we came by. That night we were able to visit w/ fabulous member Sis. B* S*. She's going through a lot right now and really needed the uplift. We love her and are praying things look up for her family soon.

Wednesday we had some pretty good tracting success. We once again had a member (Sis. E* C*) come to a teaching appt. w/ an investigator (E* B*) that totally fell through- bummer. We got to teach Ja* and Je* again that afternoon. In the evening, we had dinner w/ the elders and Sis. G* E*. She made a delicious broccoli,cheese. rice, chicken casserole and homemade bread. We are spoiled. We had a great discussion w/ her after about the Plan of Salvation. She's AMAZING :)

Thursday we spent a LONG time weekly planning for this week. We had dinner w/ C* W*, and E* and M* E* (our recent converts and next door neighbors) They fed us DELICIOUS meatloaf and we had a great discussion w/ them on keeping the Sabbath day holy and the difference they've seen in their lives as they've made changes to their Sundays. We also had a total miracle happen that night where we got to see former investigator C* J*. She was home from rehab for 2 days due to her brothers death. She's doing really well and it was the Lord's hand that were able to see her :)

Friday we had a spiritually powerful district meeting in the morning. We went to lunch w/ our district and the Spanish district at Bullrito's (still my fave!) and had a great time. The day was rough battling a migraine and such, but we had some good success setting up appts. w/ potential investigators. We also had a good visit and lesson w/ less-active member N* A*. The Ward Thanksgiving Social was that night and we had a great turn out, lots of food and a wonderful time. We were able to have some good visits w/ several less-active members.

Saturday we had an AMAZING lesson w/ new investigators M* and R* V*. Sis. A* R* joined us and it was really quite perfect. They came to church yesterday and had a great experience! I'd like to write details on that and some other cool experiences, but I have to go now. Sorry! I love you all! Have a great week!!! Send Mail!!!

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